Stone materials analysis

Applied petrography studies and analyzes the geological materials used in everyday life, for example for the production of building products.

Stone materials and their derivatives have always been used, both in what are called "great works" and in public housing. Their use is important from a structural and aesthetic point of view and is marked by absolutely relevant economic trades. Despite the CE mark mandatory in Europe since 24 April 2011 by the CPR - Construction Products Regulation, the use of stones and their derivatives, as happens for all types of natural materials, can be affected by the rise of different problems. Alterations of the materials, errors in transport, storage, installation, or problems due to the incorrect management by users can contribute to creating criticalities in the work that are essential to recognize and locate precisely within the supply chain. This help to legally define whose civil liabilities are and to whom the payment to cover the damage is due.

The problems that can affect this forensic sector can arise for the most disparate causes, therefore the forensic geologist applied to geo-materials must have perfect knowledge both of the materials and of the analytical tools that lead to this knowledge. However, these skills are far from being exhaustive! In fact, it is important to have clear knowledge of the production processes of geo-materials, their treatments, the analysis that are usually carried out for quality controls, the installation methods, the sector regulations. A 360-degree experience that allows you to have extreme confidence with all the stages of preparation and use of the lithotype or the derived geo-material is necessary. For this reason, the knowledge and experience of the geo-materials expert is never complete, but, like his library, it is absolutely and constantly in progress.