Environmental analysis

The "polluter pays" perspective is at the heart of the environmental investigation for legal purposes. This can be defined as a systematic and scientific evaluation of geological, physical, chemical and historical information with the aim of developing scientifically and legally defensible conclusions regarding the source or/and age of releases of contaminants into the environment.

Typical cases of application are contamination by hydrocarbons, asbestos, and persistent organic pollutants (POPS), as well as the classification of waste and bioremediation for which disputes are frequently triggered aimed at determining the responsibility of the hot spot and therefore identifying the subjects on whom the reclamation charges fall.

The Laboratory of Environmental Hygiene and Forensic Toxicology organized by Dr. Marina Mastroianni at SCAR LABS srl,carries out analytical activities and technical-scientific support in terms of prevention of risks to human health related to chemical, physical and toxicological factors, present in living and working environments (environmental investigation activities for legal purposes-environmental crimes).

The skills possessed consist of an in-depth scientific preparation in the fields of forensic chemistry and analytical chemistry. The legal areas of intervention are, among other things, those of security, criminal law, insurance and patent issues.